Commit dd2e5ca5 authored by lings's avatar lings


parent 43149cf1
......@@ -61,7 +61,8 @@ public class AppointmentOrderController {
@ApiImplicitParam(name = Constant.ORDER, value = "排序方式,可选值(asc、desc)", paramType = "query", dataType="String"),
@ApiImplicitParam(name = "flag", value = "预约或取号,预约传Y,取号传Q", paramType = "query", dataType="String")
public Result<PageData<AppointmentOrderDTO>> page(@ApiIgnore @RequestParam Map<String, Object> params){
public Result<PageData<AppointmentOrderDTO>> page(@LoginUser UserEntity user, @ApiIgnore @RequestParam Map<String, Object> params){
PageData<AppointmentOrderDTO> page =;
......@@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ public class AppointmentOrderServiceImpl extends CrudServiceImpl<AppointmentOrde
public QueryWrapper<AppointmentOrderEntity> getWrapper(Map<String, Object> params){
String id = (String)params.get("id");
String userId = (String)params.get("userId");
String flag = (String)params.get("flag");
QueryWrapper<AppointmentOrderEntity> wrapper = new QueryWrapper<>();
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